Front of Nguyen Duy Trinh street
Front of Nguyen Duy Trinh street

1. Location: Nguyen Duy Trinh, Long Truong, District 9, City. Thu Duc
2. Area: 660m²
3. Land use purpose: Residential land: 542.6m² & perennial crops: 117.4m²
4. Land use term: Long-term residential land, perennial plants 2051
5. Origin of land use: Recognition of land use rights
6. Planning information: Existing house group’s land and embellishment
– High floor: 5 floors
– Construction density: 50 – 70%
– Land use coefficient: 2.5 times
7. Current status:
– Vacant land, frontage Nguyen Duy Trinh about 22m
– How to City People’s Committee. Thu Duc: 9km
– How to City People’s Committee. Ho Chi Minh City: 16km
8. Form of transfer: Transfer of all shares
9. Transfer price (VND): 85 Billion (129 million/m²)
10. Legal documents:
– Planning information
– Certificate of land use right
– Location status